The Official Beast Lab FOAthlete Performance Program Directed by Jerry Ragonese
Become part of an Elite group of FaceOff men with Jerry Ragonese as your personal Strength and conditioning programmer, Remote Faceoff coach and Mentor. Strength and Conditioning designed specifically for elite FaceOff men. Build strength and power, get your work capacity up for the fourth quarter and stay mobile/flexible and healthy.
Combining his knowledge and passion for strength and conditioning with his expertise and credibility as one of the worlds leading FO coaches. The FOAthlete Performance program is a unique experience for an athlete. Subscribers to Jerry’s system have unparalleled access to him as their Strength & Conditioning programmer, remote FaceOff coach and personal mentor. An athlete’s monthly subscription puts him into an elite group of only 20 athletes world wide that have Jerry providing all of his expertise throughout the year in order to help an athlete excel on the field, off the field and guides them to reach their potential as an athlete.
With a $299/month subscription, the athlete gets:
A face to face introductory consultation with Jerry
A General Prep Phase planning program
A personalized training program that covers Strength and Conditioning, Mobility, Injury Prevention and FO practice planning Broken into 4 season Mesocycles
A monthly face to face consultation to update programming and modify advancements
A specialized email address to reach out to Jerry 24/7 for guidance
An access code for a 20% discount to all Pro Athletics stores and FOAthlete Performance gear
An Automatic invite to The FaceOff Academy Western Showcase and National Showcase at a discounted rate
Free Consultation with Mindfulness Expert Emily Perrin
Free Consultation with Sports Nutrition Expert Christian Palmer
The faceoff is one of the most unique position in all of sports, while it is physically demanding and requiring explosion off the whistle there is also a massive mental aspect to the position that is often overlooked. Over the past 18 years , 12 of them in the professional ranks, Coach Ragonese has developed the process of conquering the emotional & mental obstacles & swings that come with the position.
The ultimate training tool combining the things that Jerry has expertise and passion for all in one place for athletes who have lofty goals and a desire to reach their absolute potential. To get started, fill out the FOAthlete Performance application below!